Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Mad Cow Disease Caused by Radiation

I’ve tried several times to get this information into the public discourse with zero success. I can’t afford a billboard posting but perhaps someday I’ll have to resort to that.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Mad Cow Disease are Caused by Radiation. Additionally Chronic Wasting Disease, Scrapie, Kuru and likely a myriad of other neurological “diseases”.

These are not diseases, but conditions caused by exposure to radiation. High doses of radiation. Often as a result of consuming plant matter that has up-taken the radionuclides from the soil. I’m familiar with the PRION theory, and perhaps the high radiation dose causes the mutation in these PRIONS. Perhaps that is why high doses of radiation have no effect on PRIONS.

I’m linking to articles published long ago for your consumption.

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